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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sex - Keep it in the bedroom!

Why is this the social norm in our society now? Why is it that you can't go a fucking day without some random person talking about, or hinting towards something sexual? The answer to this question is honestly a mystery to me, and I have no i-fucking-dea how and why this came to be.
I can't stand it! It's bad enough that I have to see some scantily clad woman on every single ad that's advertising clothes, but now it's part of our daily culture! People can't go a day without talking about or even thinking about something sexual - it's impossible anymore!

I go out with my friends, or at least I try to when they're not too busy working, and we just talk about normal things. And then it happens: the air begins to feel dense, and I get a shiver down my spine. People begin looking at us funny, giving us strange looks and weird faces, until...my friend decides to talk about everything phallic in the fucking world!

Now, when this first started happening, I was ok with it, as a matter of fact, I even joined in with my friends and did it myself. But as I step back and observe what kind of shit is going on, I really have to think: "Why are my friends talking about these kinds of things on a daily basis? Why can't a single conversation go on without referring to something sexual?" and most importantly, "Why do most of my male friends talk about penises, but then claim they aren't gay?".

Like I said before, I have no i-fucking-dea.

Not too long after I stopped doing it with my friends, I became very embarrassed about this kind of thing. You know, out in public, suddenly talking about sex, like, what isn't embarrassing about it?

It was beginning to get weird until I notice that not only my friends, but every one on this entire fucking planet is doing it! Like, why?! Why has it become the social norm to now talk about sex so freely, and so openly, that everyone's suddenly ok with it?! It's fucking sick!

Especially when I'm eating too! When I'm eating a burger or something and somebody starts talking about bodily fluids, I get turned off from eating in a split-second, I swear!

I remember back when even swearing was taboo to do in public! People would shun you, look at you, as if you've just summoned the black plague, and now, we've taken a step beyond that, and now not only will people not look at you funny, but they might actually begin to THINK it's funny!

Yeah, sex is a wonderful thing! It makes us feel good! It allows us to procreate! But why in the name of heaven and hell must we talk about it as if we're talking about the weather! Like...GAH!

It's THE most crude and awful thing to hear from somebody you think is a good friend, until they start talking about penises or vaginas, and their level of respect from me just flies out the fucking window!

Can you imagine, a well-dressed woman or man. They seem demure, kind, and very compassionate. They also loaned you that $20 you needed last pay-cheque. What a good friend they are huh? And then they come  up to you all calm and quietly and say, "Hey, did you just check out that girl's tits?" or, "Man, I'd fuck that ass!"

Do you even realize how much of a frat boy, or hick, that makes them sound then? Nothing can or will ever change that about them, because that's how they're always going to be from now on. They were just being nice just to cover up the fact that they're actually dirty-minded, and like to think about sex 24/7! They even KNOW that they're sick, but once they get used to you enough, they'll show you how sick they really are!

How about...how about let's switch this around huh? I dare everyone in the world to do this, and see how quickly people pick up on the irony.

How about for every person that talks about sex, another person starts talking about some other thing that's obscene, or something that's inappropriate? Like, cadavers! You know, like:

"Hey, what size breasts do you like the most?"
"I dunno, but I really like the scent and aroma of dead, rotting corpses! Especially the ones that got killed in a fire, or the ones that got brutally massacred by a psychotic ex-boyfriend, while he stabbed her 99 times in the chest until she got a hernia!"

I just wonder if people would be smart enough to pick up on that shit. I wonder if they'd only realize how not only stupid that sounded, but then how stupid they sounded when they just randomly started talking about sex.

Anyways, the point to all this is....society has changed. Honestly, for the worse, I believe.

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