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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Leashes - For animals, or for humans?

I can't get enough anymore of seeing parents having their child on a fucking leash! It's so sick, disgusting, degrading, and the reasons behind their motives are just baseless conjectures from sick-minded people! Just listen to my reasoning behind all of this.

Now it's a wonder how somebody can not look at a child with a leash on him and not suspect that something is wrong there. You might ask yourself, "leashes...they're for dogs and animals right?" well apparently not only animals, but for humans too! It's amazing isn't it? We've come so far with our technology and our morals that we've developed an infant leash (and I wouldn't be surprised if their first model was supposed to go around their neck like a collar) and people are apparently ok with it!

I, fortunately, didn't have a leash when I was an infant, mostly because I was in a stroller, and when I was able to walk, I always held my mom or dad's hand. Now what's so hard about doing this? Why do you need to keep your child on a harness instead of holding their hand like any normal parent would do?

Well, I'll tell you why...it's because:

"Sometimes my child will run away, or cause trouble for people, or get him/herself hurt..."

Then why the fuck aren't you keeping an eye on your fucking child then? Is it that hard to watch your kid to make sure that he or she never does any of this shit? Well, apparently this happens more often than it should.

Some parents space out, are reading something, or the most popular cause, is because they're talking to one of their friends. And we all know, that when parents talk to friends, they don't give two shits about their infant child!

Why do you think kids are always yelling, "Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!" over and over again? It's because their mother is too busy talking to her friend about other things! Maybe the child wants to eat, go to the bathroom, play, or just have some attention! Like, what is the child supposed to do while standing there, while their parents are yapping to their friends for like half and hour to an hour?

Obviously, the child is going to get bored and either do one of three things:

1. Run away
2. Get into trouble
3. Throw a tantrum

And then everyone's going to be pissed off. People have to realize that when they have a child, they have to devote their lives to that child for many years. Not saying that parents can't have their own time to themselves, but your attention should be focused on that child, at least most of the time.

But for parents who think that looking after their children is too difficult, they have leashes for them, so that when they do decide to strike up a conversation with one of their friends, all they gotta do is hang on to the leash, and the child never runs away.

But of course, the main reason why these people like the leashes is because,

"Children can get into a lot of trouble, can hurt themselves or others, get lost, or cause a ruckus..."

This is the sole reason why parents like leashes for their children. Now besides the obvious retaliation of, "Then why don't you look after your kid," how about we use this kind of logic on other things:

Like, how about mentally handicapped individuals? Sometimes, they might not even realize it, but they can cause a lot of trouble too. They can hurt themselves or others, and they can cause a ruckus sometimes...so what do we do?


What about people who have serious anger issues? You don't want them to get into a random fist-fight, or cause an uproar, because angry people have been known to get angry...so what do we do?


And how about cats, hamsters, and every other pet in the world, besides fish? Why don't we...


Because we know that our pets can get lost, or hurt themselves, or cause trouble! Why don't we put a leash on a fucking rabbit, or a snake even?!

The whole point of this, is that with the kind of argument parents give, mostly everybody and everything can be put on a leash for the same reasons! Not just kids!

It makes them look like some kind of animal!

Here, put this leash on your infant, take them out for a walk in the park, clean up after them, and give them a treat when they display good behavior!

Sounds like a dog doesn't it? Except it's not! It's a fucking human child!

Anyways, leashes suck. They're degrading in every way possible. I don't care what reasons parents have. You want to have a kid? Then look after them, don't let this piece of fabric look after them for you. What kind of parenting is that anyway?

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