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Monday, April 5, 2010

Rapelay - CNN, an angry letter, and my thoughts


I just got done reading all of this story over at Kotaku.com (my main source of everything video game news), and I had a couple of thoughts about everything, from the CNN report, to the manga author's angry letter in protest of CNN's report of the game.

So, some news reporter from the CNN network decided to report and review a game called, "Rapelay", and hentai game where you, as the main character, basically seduce young girls and rape them, essentially. Now, I don't like rape, for many obvious reasons, and probably for the same reasons you, the reader, may have.

Rape has got to be the sickest thing in the entire world to do to someone. It completely detriments that person's life, it's very traumatizing, the person might get AIDS, get pregnant and all this unwanted shit they probably never even wanted. People who rape someone is just out to get a quick fuck, and they're too damn lazy to actually find legitimate love, have a loving relationship, and then make love to the person they love. I know that I used the word "love" like 4 times, but the point is that, nobody wants to wait, and go through the trouble of courting and stuff like that. I mean, if you're really desperate then at least pay for a prostitute, and even then I don't really recommend that.

The CNN report declares how the game degrades women, for obvious reasons, like raping them. The main focus on this person's report is how it puts down women, and it revolves around the subject of rape...now keep this in mind because I'm going to get back to this later.

Now, the manga author, was upset by the overall report of how the reporter hinted at how Japanese people are criminals, as a whole.

The author goes on to state how wonderful and proud he is as a Japanese citizen, but then states how crimes in Japan are far lesser than those of the crimes in the States.

Finally, the author states that the hentai game is just that, a game. It's not real, it's not advocating to go rape women, it's just art - it's a fantasy.

Now, I have thoughts on both people's views on this subject of rape and this particular hentai game...

Let me start with what I think about the author first:

I agree, for the most part, that the hentai game, is indeed, just a game, and shouldn't be taken seriously. Just like GTA, Hitman, and all those other games that have very degrading ways on killing people, shouldn't be taken so seriously either.

But on the other hand though, I just hate it when another race of people have to step up to the podium, only to degrade another race of people. I hate that xenophobic shit to no end!

"My race is superior, I am proud to be my race, my race is godly...BUT YOUR RACE SUCKS SO HARD, IT'S NO WONDER WHY PEOPLE HATE YOUR RACE!!!!"

...is more or less what this guy is saying. To say that Japan has lesser crimes than America does, then to say that a place like New York is far more dangerous than anything in Japan is some stupid playground bullshit, in the sense of making yourself seem better by pointing out faults in other people.

My view on races is that we either all suck in some way, or we're all cool in another way. I'm black and white, and personally, there are many, many faults I can point out about both black people and white people, but I'm not going to go out on a limb to say that my race is superior than others, because that's just fucking lame! I'm not proud to be black and white, and I wouldn't be proud to be any other race. The point is, that I'm proud to be ME, and ME alone. Nothing about my skin color has anything to do with how good of a person I am.

Now on to what I think about the CNN report on rape, the game, and how both of these degrade women.

So, let me first say, that this might come to a surprise, but men get raped too. Yeah, betcha didn't know that did you? It's only because no one ever reports on men being raped, they just report when women get raped. I know I've said before that rape sucks pretty bad, but then for someone to say how rape, in general, degrades women, without even giving a second thought on how rape degrades both women AND men just pisses me off. I know it doesn't happen AS OFTEN, but it DOES happen.

I swear, I get so sick and tired of "gender equality" because there is none. I know it's like, many, many years ago, and then for many, many years later, women were degraded as individuals. Women fought for their rights, and I feel good to know that women do have rights, because anyone who gets treated like a sub-fucking-human, just fucking sucks. I hate it...a lot. But then there came an idea where "gender equality" now meant that, "women have more rights than men", and, you know, heh, that's not equal is it?

I know that this all stems from the archaic idea of "an eye for an eye", but seriously, I thought we were supposed to be passed that kind of mentality. It's like if black people suddenly had more rights than white people, or if Spanish people had more rights than Scottish people, and you know that it never did, or will happen! Because black people and Spanish people were once slaves, and they were treated without rights as a human being...but when they got their rights, they were then treated as equals, not having more rights than another race of people, and personally, that's how I think it should be for everybody!

Now, back on topic...

The game, IS, just a game, like I've stated twice before, and that it shouldn't be taken seriously. If you have a fantasy, then you have every right to have it, BUT to carry it out on someone is another thing entirely.

People are born differently. If someone is born with a desire for raping men/women, then they should have it! Just like everyone else has fantasies, and fetishes, and WE all can have it, and we all know that if we actually act out on out desires then we could get in serious shit for it!

What if you really liked Pepsi? Something you really want, but then I said, "No, you can't have it ever, because it's bad for your health, it rots your teeth, and it's generally something you shouldn't put in your body, so from now on, I'm going to make sure that you never have Pepsi again in your life," then that would really suck wouldn't it?

So, in conclusion, I hate topics like these, that bring up rights in people, rights on what kind of fantasies we're allowed to have, and then degrading races back and forth with insults to no end.

And on a side note, I've played lots of hentai games, so don't think that there are just games where you rape women, I've seen ones where you rape men, snuff is involved, and a lot of other sick shit that I don't even want to think about right now...

But wait...I guess I've thought about them...shit.

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