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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Workplace Standards - Profits don't mean anything anymore!

 So yeah, after my rant about how work sucks, I finally got a job. I really like my job, but what I hate is how people must go through so much work and turmoil and spend hundreds of dollars just to get a low-paying job in the first place. However, this doesn't apply to the majority of people working nowadays.

Of course now you must be wondering, "What the fuck? I never had to do what you just said! I got a job just as easily as everyone else on the planet has!", well to that I say, "Haha!" That is because you have been fooled! Everything you put on that resume, "Straight 'A' student - Honors - Volunteered for 100 hours - St. John Ambulance level 'C'" means absolutely NOTHING! That's right! Everything you were taught in high school on how to get a job, was just a big misunderstanding because those same teachers were fooled by other teachers who have been fooled, ad infinitum!

What, do you honestly think that being a "straight 'A'" student actually MATTERED in the workplace? You must be out of your fucking mind! When, have you ever, been needed to use that knowledge when you're selling clothing, or selling tickets to a football game, or making management decisions on how to particularly destroy everything on a plot of land to build a new mall? HOW? If you tell me this, I'll give you a million bucks, seriously I would, but until then you can just stuff your face right up your ass because that's where it belongs!

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! I am so SICK and TIRED of people thinking they got what it takes, "yeah!" they say to themselves, "I was good at school, so now I'm going to get a good job!" what-the-fuck-ever! Let me tell you something you nose-stuck-up-so-high-in-the-air-that-it-can-reach-god's-ass, did you need that college degree to get a job at a place that had a sign saying, "JUST OPENED: SEND US YOUR RESUME WITHIN!" NO! Of course not! If they JUST OPENED, they're looking for ANYONE with ANY kind of experience whether they have any or not!

Take a look inside most stores, what do you see? Hip, young, good-looking, skinny people that don't know a drop of what they're doing! 

Please tell me if you ever find a store where there has ever been a chubby-looking guy, with a beard, who is Spanish, and I'll give you a billion dollars, I swear I will!

Maybe I should stop my relentless banter and begin to get to the point.

Everyday I go to a store I see skinny, young males looking cool, and acting like they're all the shit, and pretending they know what you want. I also see young, skinny females, either busty or with a lot of make-up on, that also know nothing about what I want. And I'll tell you why this is the case, my reader, it's because every company in America thinks that sales happen by what the person LOOKS like not what they KNOW!

Let me take this opportunity to tell you a couple of stories from my past and you'll quickly see what I mean.

Story 1:
I used to work for an aromatherapy store as volunteer work as part of my high school program, and I was fat, ugly, wore disgusting-looking shirts, but you know what? I ALWAYS gave THE BEST customer service anyone has ever experienced in their lives! I may have drunk Coke, and Pepsi, regardless if it was a health store, but you know what? I thought to myself, why should what I do and what I look like matter, if the main purpose of working in a store is to cater to the customers?

The manager of the store once told me that the highest sale they ever made was around $200, and she said it was very tough. Words like, "Up-selling" and that other garbage flowed out of her mouth but I couldn't stand listening to her. 

And I'll tell you what. The next week a customer came in, and I showed them around, and I told them about all the products we had, and you know how much I sold? Around $400 worth of shit! YES! That's right! ME! I did this! And it was EASY too! From then on I would be selling hundreds of dollars worth of items at a time, I did this so much that I made a handful of their products go out of stock before we got more shipment!

I got their products out of stock so much, once we had goods delivered to us TWICE in a week!

But you know what? They didn't want to hire me. Why? Because I was "displaying an unhealthy nature in a health store" and that, "I didn't look very appealing".

I told them off good, but fine! If they prefer looks, over sales, then that's fine by me! Their fucking loss!

Story 2:

I had a friend who used to be so full of himself. He bought several books on "how to win the interviewee" and other mindless shit like that. He used to go on and on about the "tricks" he knew on how to win the heart of the employer and get a good job.

Then, a brand new supermarket opened and he applied the very first day they put out that same sign, "JUST OPENED: APPLY WITHIN" and you know what? He got the job immediately! It's quite unfortunate they he didn't understand the irony of what just happened but he let it all go to his head.

He'd say things like, "Hey if it was easy for ME to get a job, then it should be easy for you!"

I sent resume after resume at every store I could imagine, and I couldn't get anything except a newspaper carrying job, because you don't need any experience for that, you just need to be at least 10 years old.

He would look down at me, sometimes laughing and saying shit about how I was "lazy" or how I "gave up" about looking for a job, and I couldn't understand the tenacity this guy had, but I was fed up!

He was raised in a good family, and he had money handed to him, he had girls, and he thought it was HIM that was doing all the work, but no!

He was just a very lucky person. He was at the right place at the right time, all the time, and that is all.

Story 3:

I sometimes frequent a store called "The Source" and everyone there are males, no females at all, but I don't have to worry about that because females are preferenced at every other job at the mall anyways.

So I went in there, checking out how the employees were acting all cool, acting like jocks, and I went up to them and asked them, "Where can I find a Y-splitter?" They took a minute to process that information and said, "What?" rudely. I repeated, "Where can I find a Y-splitter?", they both began to look angry, as if puzzled, and said, "Sorry, we don't have that...thing...a, uh, Y-splitter..." as to this I was confused as well. So I said, "But on your website, it said you had them in-store", to which they replied, "Yeah, well, that's our website...some things are only available online" then they made that expression where they pretend to be sorry and finally said,

"Sorry man, you'll just have to try another store"

So - about three minutes later, I come back to the counter and said, "Here it is - I found it!" the same Y-splitter I was inquiring about, was placed on the counter right in front of them, but they said nothing, rang up my total and I left the store.

So for some reason I kind of have to wonder. Do corporations not want to make money anymore? Is this what they want? Is this what they have planned all this time? Do they really think this is going to work? No wonder business are always going bankrupt and having to close, BECAUSE EVERYONE IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE WHO GIVES NOT A SHIT MORE OR LESS THAN KNOWS A SHIT ABOUT ANYTHING ABOUT THE GODDAMN FUCKING STORE WORKS THERE!!!

Goddammit! I hate people...need to calm down.

1 comment:

  1. *applaudes* that was awesome dude, keep up the posts :).


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