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Friday, December 10, 2010

Mirror's Edge - Accuracy 101 (quick review)

 Who the fuck is that? Could someone please tell me who that is? I can't tell if she's trying to pull herself off as a stereotypical female-empowered-Asian or if she's trying to be a new raver. Whatever she's trying to look like, her name is Faith.
Alright, so already I'm pissed off. Faith? FAITH? Could you be any more obvious as to what you're trying to make her look like, not just in looks but who she is as a person? First of all, I'm sick and tired of seeing all these new age video games where the heroine is some skinny, punk, bitch-with-an-attitude-yet-can-get-away-with-everything kind of woman-empowered-superhero-that-is-perfect-in-every-way!! Seriously! WHY is it that any video game with a female whom is either the antagonistic damsel-in-distress, or heroine like the bitch in this fucking game?!

WHY can't female characters be more NORMAL than looking like some goddamn model?! Why can't game developers just take a look at women walking in the city streets of everyday life and just model them after THOSE women? For fuck's sake, I didn't buy this game to admire the work you put in to the main character's body and personality ok? I'm not trying to advocate that women are "powerful and can do anything they want whenever they want", because I already believe in that!

It just seems that people aren't getting that YES we got the message about how women didn't have rights before and YES we do realize that they have rights now, so for fuck's sake quit making these female protagonists seem like they're fucking Wonder Woman ok?

Anyways, the thing about this game is that it's in First Person, and it took me a VERY long time, and I can't stress enough on the word, "very" because I DETEST First Person games, to play this game until I realized that it wasn't much of an FPS but more like a "run-and-jump" type of First Person game.

So I then though, "Hmm...maybe this is different from the rest! I mean, it's completely OPTIONAL to even partake in the shooting!" so I went to my local game store to buy this game (after I played the demo) and I popped it into my PS3.

After getting past the prologue which I had already played through on the demo, I got into the main aspect of the game and HOLY FUCK is it difficult!

I'm only on the 3rd fucking level and I can't tell you how much trouble I am currently having with this game. Just getting to the 3rd level was hard enough!

I want to first talk about the accuracy in this game ok? The thing about it is, that you have to jump at the right speed, in the right direction, in the right spot, and MUST press the buttons at the right time BEFORE AND AFTER you have jumped in order to successfully not die, or hurt yourself. This must be down many times over in the same level in very short intervals, so you better be quick on your feet and with the controller if you want to make it through the level alive!

And also to mention that you have to dodge police shooting at you with guns, shotguns, sniper rifles, and machine guns while you're trying your best to "run" because, as we all know, that's the main gist of this game, is to "run".

Now, this wouldn't be a big problem, if it wouldn't be for the fact that more times than not I can't see where to fuck I'm going or where I'm SUPPOSED to go! I mean, yeah, you can press the circle button to help guide you, but that's no better! You press the circle button and it will tell you to go to FIVE different places on the map and you'll have no better luck to try and figure out WHICH way the circle button guided you, than just to  keep running in a direction and hope for the best!

Also there's red objects everywhere to help guide you as well, but as with the circle button, it doesn't help. I can count at least three times where I've seen red objects that I was supposed to use, but didn't because I've already found another way!

Also there will be times when you're supposed to go through a door that's guarded with a barbed wire fence. Sticking with the true nature of the game, you'll need to find someplace high enough to climb on and jump over the fence, yet the problem is, that you'll never find it in time, because there are no red objects to help guide you, the circle button is fucked, and there are police shooting at you in 10 different directions! Even some from helicopters!

And holy goddamn fuck! Can the colors of these buildings be ANY MORE SICKENING?! I can not count how many times I've run into color-coded buildings where everything in and out of the entire building is all ONE FUCKING COLOR! So much so, that it makes my eyes blurry because it's such a sick, bright constant color all the time!

It's either red, blue, yellow, or green, all at the highest contrast the game can possibly dish out to you too! I mean, who would think it to be a good idea to paint THREE consecutive buildings you have to travel to ALL BLUE?! I even got confused once because I thought that I've already been to another building 'cause it looks the fucking same!

I don't really care for much of the story, because I can't stop being pissed at how perfect the game made FAITH to be. FUCK.

As my final words to this game, I still like it, but it gets frustrating very quickly. There will be some points where you will get very very far through a level, then die, because you didn't know where to fucking go, then you have to start from the beginning or some far away checkpoint that you've probably forgotten about.

I recommend to rent. Highly recommend. If you can put up with the sick colors, the constant accurate jumps and runs, and hey, if you like FPS's then this game might be for you!

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