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I do whatever I feel on this blog. Whatever comes to mind, whatever piques my interest, I shall, or at least, try to post it here...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Leashes - For animals, or for humans?

I can't get enough anymore of seeing parents having their child on a fucking leash! It's so sick, disgusting, degrading, and the reasons behind their motives are just baseless conjectures from sick-minded people! Just listen to my reasoning behind all of this.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Short-short stories #1 - let's see how well I can write

A man. He goes by the name Bob Stewart; gray hair, brown eyes, white skin, though it's a bit flaky. He likes to go out sometimes, in the bad part of town, to buy his usual carton of Malboro.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Fuck'd up e-mails #1

Alright, so, I've been getting many, many weird e-mails from some unknown sender and they're pretty fucked up. There's always, somewhere in the e-mail, something that has to do with sex in some way, but I swear, I have NOT or EVER signed up to any porn site, or newsletter of any kind...at least with my current e-mail address. To understand these e-mails is to read them. Seriously, though, they're really funny, random, though sometimes can be a bit creepy and they NEVER make any sense AT ALL. So just sit back, relax, and enjoy these:

Fuck'd up e-mails ;)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Synopsis Quest - RPG Clichés

Game kicks ass! I've beaten all 30 quests! Can you?

It takes most RPG Clichés and puts it in a Wario-ware-esque type of game. It's really fun! Plus, there's no screamers! Yay!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Rapelay - CNN, an angry letter, and my thoughts


I just got done reading all of this story over at Kotaku.com (my main source of everything video game news), and I had a couple of thoughts about everything, from the CNN report, to the manga author's angry letter in protest of CNN's report of the game.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Work - It Sucks

Have I ever told you that I hate work? Actually, whom haven't you heard that from? I know, you know, everyone knows, that nobody likes work...unless if it's getting paid for getting paid, then I guess everyone would like that line of work, but unfortunately, there's no such kind of work like that...yet.

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