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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Real animals eat real food!

So what the fuck do we have here? What is this a fucking picture of? Mice? Dead mice? Kinda mixture of both if you ask me. They're actually frozen mice! Now, why, would someone do such a "cruel" thing? Freeze mice and ziplock them in an air-tight plastic bag? Now, for one, I'd like to say that this isn't even cruel, no, this is considered to be the "humane" way to feed an animal, like snakes, lizards, and other kinds of reptiles.
The first thing I don't get is how someone can decide to go through the trouble of buying a snake, getting a terrarium, devoting a quarter of their lives looking after their new pet for the next 20 or so years, and at every waking moment are disgusted by how they eat mice!

And it's not even that too! Live mice, more particularly, is even more so disgusting than feeding them anything at all! So what do these people do? They have a snake, they realize it's gotta eat - it's not a vegetarian like the rest of us, so...they then decide to go through with getting frozen mice and feeding it a dead carcass.

Let me be the first to go out of my way and saying "Fuck you" to all these people who think it's "cruel and unusual" to feed an animal, other animals, because I'm so sick and tired of people getting so disgusted by the fact that animals need to eat too!

You know, not everyone is a vegetarian, and likewise not all animals are either! As a matter of fact, most animals aren't! I bet the next fifty million people in the world who decide to buy a rodent don't even realize that they can eat meat too! Their favorite dish consists of meal worms and crickets! Not this shitty sunflower-seed-vegetarian-diet crap that you advertise to every fucker in your pet store.

And that's another thing too! Feeding meal worms and crickets aren't even remotely as cruel as feeding mice to a snake, for whatever reason I still can't find today. Why an insect's life is worth less than a rodent's life I still can't seem to figure out.

But goddamn! When did people suddenly become so sympathetic to what animals eat? Why is it so fucking "cruel and unusual" to feed a snake a live mouse or rat, when they do it anyway in the fucking wild? Are we suddenly intervene in every reptile's natural life and start feeding them frozen prey?

Oh shit! That anaconda just ate a live baby tiger! Quick! Replace it with a frozen one before it's too late! It's far too fucking cruel for that anaconda to eat other animals! We must nourish it with vegetables for the rest of it's natural fucking life!

Does that shit even make any goddamn sense at all?

Can you imagine if humans began doing it to other humans? Like, imagine if there was this group of people that thought it was cruel to eat other animals, and they should always protect them and make sure those same animals live a happy vegetarian life! And hey, maybe they should call themselves PETA while they're at it too! I don't know why nobody has thought of doing that yet...

oh shit...

Well...still. Take a good look at nature and what do you see?

Fish eating other fish, lions eating gazelles, hawks eating moles, house cats eating mice...

Like seriously. When you think about it, all animals seem to like meat in one way or another. Not to say that they won't enjoy a nice nibble on a leaf here and there, but if you don't give them what they want or what they naturally eat, then they'll get too desensitized to what it is to hunt, to live, to be natural, to be what it is...an animal.

So all you people that think it's cruel to feed live rodents to a snake, then think of this:

Next time when you go to your grocery store and pick up slabs of meat to take home to eat, think about how it got there in the first place, and you'll slowly begin to realize that what you eat used to be a live animal too. It was hunted, killed, and now frozen at a grocery store for just $9.99.

That's all I have to say this time...

I can't believe it's so early in the morning and I'm pissed...off.

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