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I do whatever I feel on this blog. Whatever comes to mind, whatever piques my interest, I shall, or at least, try to post it here...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Magic the Gathering (or any other trading card game)

While I'm still trying to get over the fact that there's a sequel to the most oversexed comedy, "The Hangover" I have to focus my attention on something a little less irritating. As a child I loved playing Pokemon. I loved playing on my Gameboy and even playing the card game too! Mostly, I just collected, but once I figured out that you can actually "battle" with the cards, I became elated! I wanted to play this hyped up shit to no end! I bought all the Pokemon booster packs I could and I began my journey of trading card games.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Gran Turismo 5 - Driving Simulator

What the fuck? Gran Turismo 5? You know, it wasn't until quite some time ago that I had no idea that there was even a Gran Turismo 5 in the making! I didn't even realize there were more past the first 2! So I went to my local gaming boutique to see what this hyped-up shit is all about and I see a "Gran Turismo 5 Prologue" sitting on the fucking shelf. "Prologue?" I thought to myself. Why would anyone think it to be reasonable to release a demo...FOR MONEY? Ok, ok, I get it. Money makes everything better right? And you fucks who made this game knew that people would pay for this shit right? Well...yeah, you are...but you know what? I expected more.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Acronyms - The English language's way of confusing the shit out of everyone

Ok, so this is no ordinary post, oh no! This is actually to show my frustration and creativity among the thing that I hate most in the English language - acronyms. Why in the fuck would somebody make it a good idea to shorten words or phrases to a couple of letters? I remember when growing up, people at my school would begin to use terms like "LOL", "OMG", or "WTF" and I wouldn't get it. For the longest time ever, I'd be ridiculed for not knowing such a dumb term, because everyone would be acting like assholes and not have the guts to tell me what they fucking mean, because, I guess that speaking amongst yourselfs in a different language really deviates you as a special fucking person from the rest of us doesn't it?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Workplace Standards - Profits don't mean anything anymore!

 So yeah, after my rant about how work sucks, I finally got a job. I really like my job, but what I hate is how people must go through so much work and turmoil and spend hundreds of dollars just to get a low-paying job in the first place. However, this doesn't apply to the majority of people working nowadays.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Mirror's Edge - Accuracy 101 (quick review)

 Who the fuck is that? Could someone please tell me who that is? I can't tell if she's trying to pull herself off as a stereotypical female-empowered-Asian or if she's trying to be a new raver. Whatever she's trying to look like, her name is Faith.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dub is shit! It offends my ears!

Ok, so, I assume that by this big picture of a marijuana plant, you must be thinking that I'm going to talk about weed and smoking it...well, that's only a half truth. I want to talk about something else, something a bit more specific. Dub. Dub is what happens when people don't want to start calling it "reggae" anymore, and make it sound "cool" or whatever by calling it something else - "Dub"!.

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