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Monday, March 15, 2010

blip.tv - Hypocritical Bastards!

What the Jesus?! So I got kicked off of this video-hosting site, called "blip.tv", where I was hoping to have my videos hosted, because, you know, Youtube can only allow a maximum of 10 min. videos at a time, unless if your account was a "director's" account before the year 2006!

So I went here, to this new site, and I signed up. There was a clause that stated, "I agree to not upload any innapropriate content such as...video games..." and it stated more stuff like pornography, copyrighted material, and such. I was skeptical of this for two reasons: one, was that when I searched the site for video game content, just to make sure that I was actually allowed to upload some of my own, I actually did come across some "Let's Play" videos of games such as Super Mario 64, and The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Also, one of my inspirations, the Spoony Experiment, had video game content hosted on the site as well! 

So obviously I thought that, "Hey, if these people can do it, then so can I!", but was I wrong though, because not even a day later, I got my account banned, and videos removed with no reason given. I had to assume it was because that I uploaded "video game content", so to make sure, I read their "terms of service".

It stated along the way that they are a video hosting site, but they refuse to host video game videos, simply because there could be copyright laws involved. Even though, other such websites, like Youtube, Gametrailers, and BLIP.TV THEMSELVES, can do it! 

It also went on to state how they only want "original" content. Like, why even bother to advertise yourself as a video hosting site, where people could upload nothing but things they've created themselves? Look at other video hosting sites! They've got nothing but material from other sources, like music, video games, music videos, anime, trailers, and a bunch of other stuff too! 

What the fuck is this shit?

And of course, somewhere near the bottom of the terms of service does it state other sites, such as Gametrailers, GotGame Videos, and several other video game hosting sites, that are specifically for hosting video games! How come they didn't state this ANYWHERE in the signup form? Besides the clause that states, "You can't upload videos of video games, not like other people have", they should've just put a notice that stated simply: 

"If you want a site to host videos of your video game footage, trailers, etc., then you might want to consider such sites as...[insert game video hosting sites here], because they might offer you better services than we could"

And that would be all! It's that simple! 

You and I both know that nobody reads the "terms of service" ever, because we think that it contains meaningless rules, and laws, that we assume that we'd abide by anyway - just like I did! 

I sincerely hope something gets cleared up with ALL the videos of video games on their site, else their "terms of service" on videos of video games, is contradictory, and hypocritical.



  2. But having a video with copyrighted material, even with commentary, is still a video with copyrighted material >_>


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