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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Native Americans - My Experiences

Now, I have to put a big disclaimer before I begin to start bitching about what I've seen around my neighborhood, but it has to be said! None of what I say actually reflect how I think about Native Americans as a whole. I think that some of them can be really friendly, fun to be with, and nice to have around. Even one of my good friends is Native. But just all the shit that I've seen has accumulated my rage over the past couple of years.

Alright, so you live in a city, maybe suburban, and things aren't perfect, but things aren't too bad either. I've seen prostitutes, drunks, stoned people offering me drugs, and even a couple of passed out people at a bus stop for reasons unknown. But what I have seen the most of, are Native Americans, drunk, and high on some kind of drug.

They're literally everywhere too! On the bus, skytrain, road, restaurants, malls, grocery stores, arcades, there's literally nowhere I can go without running into a Native that isn't high or drunk off his or her horse!

And it really frightens me the amazing number of people that I just so happen to bump into on the skytrain or bus that are drunk, or high, and also happen to be of Native background.

They smell like booze and alcohol so much, I can smell them even before they get on the bus. Then once they get on, there are more accompanying smells, like vomit, weed, cigarettes, body odor, and many other things that I can't seem to describe at this moment, because of all the vile shit that I smell, there's just too many to even rationally think if they just came crawling out of a dumpster or not!

What's worse is that they always cause trouble too!

I've had too many unfortunate times to find an empty seat on a skytrain, only to have a drunk Native American sit beside my empty seat only to put his arm around me and start talking to me about the hockey game. They always ask if I have a girlfriend, if she's beautiful or not, and what her number is. Honestly, this has happened so much, that I've become to accept just having a drunk Native sit beside me, and start talking about the hockey game, which I couldn't give two shits about, every time there's a hockey game.

This, of course is putting the nicer, drunk Natives, aside from the more troublesome ones. The ones that begin shouting at an annoyingly low-pitched sound, tumbling over themselves, vomiting, pissing, and telling everyone they meet that their sister was raped and taken from them. Of course then, they can get violent sometimes, or advocate violence, which I guess is a bit better than actually taking a punch from a drunkard guy.

And if you would believe the complete arrogance, that after I've talked to a friend of mine, that you can't sue Native Americans on the basis that, "they're the first born people of this land"! I'm not fucking kidding, my friend had a friend who worked at a gas station, where a Native American harrassed him day and night, and he decided to stand up for himself and knock the fuck out of him. Of course then, the Native successfully sued this guy and is now making money off of harassment.

This shouldn't even be fucking legal! This is a crime! Just because you're "the first porn people of this land" which isn't even fucking true, and no I'm not saying that we are either, doesn't mean that you can walk all over people for the rest of your life!

Receive money from the government in your home that you don't have to pay for, then buy booze, weed, crack, whatever you want, then harass people until they even think about touching you, then you sue them, win, and get more money to spend on more booze and dugs!

This isn't right! I swear to God Almighty Himself, that if I were to ever encounter a Native, that was drunk off his ass, high as a motherfucker, and was harassing me, I'd get my Native friend to beat the fuck out of him so I wouldn't get in trouble, and I'd also get to see some justice for once in my life!

Now, again, I have to say that, I have nothing against Natives as a whole. Some of them are really fun to be around, and generally a good friend to have, but what I do have against are drunkards who harass people on a constant basis and think they can get away with it!

Anyone who thinks they can get away with murder should be fucking drugged out into the street and shot, because this fucked up shit is fuckin' shit, and I don't like having to go through this fucked up shit, because it's such shit! Fuck!

It just gets me nervous every time I come in contact with a drunk or high person, whoever it may be, because I'm always afraid they're gonna start to kick my ass with a weapon of some sort, because I'm not a hundred percent sure if they're going to or not!

Fucking fuck.

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