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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Telus - Overpriced Fucks!

Right now, I have to go out on a limb and say that Telus is definitely the worst telephone, TV cable, and internet company I've ever seen or heard of!
First, let me say that I'm neither quite satisfied with my current cell phone provider right now either. I got a Blackberry phone from Bell, for free, on Boxing Day, because it was a promotional product, and I got hit in the face with a slue of charges for shit that I didn't even need. My first bill was over $100 goddamn dollars and I couldn't even believe my fucking eyes when I read my cell bill.

What the shit, internet on a phone? Why would anyone want to surf the internet in public? There's no need! Plus, what about laptops? They're more efficient for surfing the net in public places like Starbucks, or some shit like that, so what exactly are you going to do on the internet on a cell phone? Watching videos is poor and almost out of the question, since most phones don't support it, so what else are you going to do? Go on forums? But, why on a cell phone, when you can do it more efficiently on a laptop? And the price that laptops are going for nowadays, it would be much cheaper to buy one instead of a cell phone if you're going to surf the internet often in a public setting.

So, basically, there's no need for it!

Also, what the shit is this? MSN, on a cell phone? What the fuck?

Again, there's no need for it!

So, anyways, over the past few years, I've managed to keep my cell phone bill quite low, due to the fact that I erased a lot of shit that I didn't really need, and added stuff that I actually did, and I'm paying around $40 for it all. I'm getting the following for a Blackberry:

450 anytime minutes
Free Evenings and Weekends after 6pm
Up to 400 text messages
Up to 5 numbers that I can call for free, including long distance (but only in Canada)
Unlimited incoming calls
and Voice Mail

All for around $40 - $50 a month this, of course comes with a system access fee, and a first time activation fee as well.

Now let's look at what Telus has to offer for the same price:

200 anytime minutes + 50 bonus minutes
Free Evenings and Weekends after 7pm
250 text messages

And that's it!

I'm dead fucking serious! I saw this packaged deal advertised on many buses around my city and it just baffled me! How the fuck...or more rather, WHO the fuck would pay for this shit? If only people knew how much I was getting with $45 a month!

Why is Telus offering so little? That's like a drop of water in the ocean, it's nothing! And you're paying such a high price!

I went to a Telus office one day, just to see if they could offer me anything different, or more, for that price. Let me tell you first, that I've done so at several other different cell phone companies, like Koodo, Solo Mobile, Rogers, and Fido, and they've ALL offered me bargains and deals, in order to make me choose their company! Because, you know, Bell is pretty nice, but I honestly don't like Blackberry's...they suck, and they get too dirty, too fast.

So, anyways, I went there, and I said,

"Hello, I am looking to switch phone plans at the end of this year, and I've been browsing shops for a better service plan that I'm getting right now...I've noticed that you're offering "this", but another place, like Solo Mobile is offering "this","

And you know what the damn bitch told me? Do you think she told me,

"Well, sir, Solo Mobile has these faults, so you should stick with us!"


"Well, sir, we could offer you this for that price, if you choose now to get this kind of phone, and this kind of plan,"

or even,

"Well, sir, we, here, at Telus mobile, have high-grade, and good quality services and phone plans! We've been proven to have..."

NOPE! Not even close to any of those! You know what the bitch said? Ok! I'll tell you what she said, she said,

"Sounds like a good plan, maybe you should choose Solo Mobile instead of us,"

I'm dead serious! She didn't try to bargain, up sell, or anything that's required by a normal employee in the field of selling goods to a customer, she did none of it! It's either she was lazy, or didn't fucking care, and that sums up how I feel about Telus!

Telus - We don't care!

That should be their new slogan! It totally should be!

And what's this bullshit "+ 50 bonus minutes" after the initial 200 minutes? Is that supposed to seem like a lot? Is that supposed to win customers over, with this supposed line of marketing? It's like advertising for a car and saying,

"Buy this car and receive a bonus key chain!"

What the fuck? It makes no goddamn sense at all!

Their internet services are shit too! I pay a lot just so my internet could have a top downloading speed of 100Kb/s and then wait over a couple years so I can "earn credits" so that, now, my internet is a little bit faster than it was before!

And even their home phone services suck too! And don't even get me started on their long-distant plans either! My mother calls long distance almost everyday and she once had to pay $500 JUST for her phone bill, EVEN THOUGH, she has a plan for it. And she doesn't even talk that long!

What the fuck Telus? Stop taking my money!

Overpriced Fucks!

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