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Friday, March 19, 2010

DSi XL - Good Idea?

God, her voice sounds like shit!
But seriously though, ever since I've heard that the DSi XL came out in Japan, I couldn't really believe what I read. Just the whole concept of having a larger DSi is weird, and fucked in itself. Wasn't the whole deal with making a DS Lite, and a DSi, was to make the DS a smaller, portable system? But now, they've made it so that it's like 93% larger! Why? This makes no sense!

Like the woman stated in the video, it would seem to be more ideal to play the XL at home because how the hell are you supposed to carry that shit anywhere? I have trouble enough as is, carrying my DSi places, whether it be in my pocket or in my backpack! How am I even supposed to remotely figure out how I'm going to carry an XL anywhere?

I do like the look of it yeah, but the glossiness is a bad idea all around, because it's a "fingerprint magnet", so it'll always be constantly dirty, unless if you wore gloves.

I was kind of hoping that the DSi XL, would bring back the GBA compatibility, but alas, it didn't. If it did, it would've given me a reason to actually buy the damn thing. This is the reason why I still have my DS Lite, and a DSi, so that I can play GBA games. And no thanks to backwards compatibility, I also have to have a GBA, or a Gameboy Color, so that I can play my original Gameboy games!

Fuck bringing out new systems to play new games, and totally scratching out the idea of not supporting earlier models of video games, instead, make a system that can support EVERY game format! That way, the company can still release old Gameboy games, or even make more!

Think about it! Megaman 9 and 10 have already been released for the Wii, because people like you and me, were most likely alive in the 80s and early 90s, and grew up on those type of games! Releasing more and more NES-style games is a pure win-win situation, because people like you and me, miss those days when you could go to a gamestore, look at the hundreds upon hundreds of gray cartridges they had on the wall, and just choose and pick one for the price of a Mc Donald's meal! It's fatntastic!

But all in all, the DSi XL was a bad idea, I guess. I'd get one, if I could simply trade in my old DSi, and get a new XL at no extra cost...but of course, you and I both know that it doesn't work that way.

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