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Friday, March 19, 2010

Tiger Woods - The Wild Years

So I've begun to notice a trend going on here...a really big trend. The media, the paparazzi, are always out to find the worst in people. They're not there to find a "big scoop", you know what a "big scoop" is to them? Finding the most debilitating way to decimate peoples' lives!

Now, I understand that the last biggest scoop of shit the press have been able to feed us who watch news stations, such as FOX NEWS, was Micheal Jackson and his child rapings. Now, I really believe that he wasn't doing such things to kids, even though he built a fair, of sorts, called Neverland Ranch, for kids with special needs to play at, but even still, I still don't believe he did anything sexual to the kids at all. 

Regardless if he did or not, if he had a sexual desire for that kind of thing, then let him have it. Nobody has any say of how a person should live or think, because that's the only people own anymore is their own lives. But of course, the media and the press had to step in to his private life, like 24/7, and make a big deal out of having a big plot of land dedicated for where kids who never really had a chance in life before, to now have fun.

Now let's talk about another individual. He goes by the name Tiger Woods, even though that's not his real name, I don't give a shit, I'll just call him Tiger. Now, everyone knows that he's admitted to having some kind of affair with his mistress, and obviously cheated on his wife. This could've been left alone, and let the couple sort out this ordeal, but he then started to appear on every cover of every magazine, with his face in his hands, with a big title saying, "TIGER CHEATED?" in big, bold, yellow letters, just to let everyone know that Tiger Woods, actually did in fact cheat on his wife, not like millions of other people knew already.

The more and more the press pressed on Tiger's private life, the more his mistress, who's name I couldn't give a fuck about, begins to reveal, "dirty" things to the public. I don't know why she's doing this, but apparently, she feels that she must, so that she can become more and more known as the "woman whom with Tiger had an affair".

So now, as I watched the evening news, there it was on the TV, the text messages that Tiger sent to his mistress. It was terrible to watch, not only to feel bad for Tiger, but to know now how many people, especially his wife will hate Tiger for now.

I believe what's going to happen next is that "this mistress" is going to reveal more and more "dirty" secrets about Tiger, right down to where his birth marks are located. 

I really don't understand the impulse to ruin people's lives, I just don't. There's no satisfaction or gratification you can possibly get from this, even if you are a sadist. Causing people harm and misery, is sick, and it shows your very own deranged nature, especially since this person decided to release all this information to the public, so that everybody can now know about it.

Whatever happened to having a private life? Nothing's private anymore nowadays. People everywhere, in banks, schools, business, and almost every kind of job you get, must know everything about you. There's no such thing as confidential information anymore, since anyone can readily access your file if they just ask for it. And trust me, this has happened to me, so don't tell me that, "yes, there is still such a thing as confidentiality",  because there clearly just isn't.

Because of the news medium, almost everyone's lives are now known, all for everyone else to see in full glory. I mean, why do you think there's a news show like "Entertainment Tonight"? So that everyone in the general public can see what lives famous actors and actresses in Hollywood live. People are so fucking bored now, that they almost rely on this for their daily entertainment.

My final words on this is that, cheating's bad, nobody wants to pull "a Tiger Woods" and cheat on their wife with their mistress, but it's also bad, how the wife only asked to get back together with Tiger, if he gave her some ridiculous amount of money. 

Fucking stupid people nowadays.

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