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I do whatever I feel on this blog. Whatever comes to mind, whatever piques my interest, I shall, or at least, try to post it here...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Workplace Standards - Profits don't mean anything anymore!

 So yeah, after my rant about how work sucks, I finally got a job. I really like my job, but what I hate is how people must go through so much work and turmoil and spend hundreds of dollars just to get a low-paying job in the first place. However, this doesn't apply to the majority of people working nowadays.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Mirror's Edge - Accuracy 101 (quick review)

 Who the fuck is that? Could someone please tell me who that is? I can't tell if she's trying to pull herself off as a stereotypical female-empowered-Asian or if she's trying to be a new raver. Whatever she's trying to look like, her name is Faith.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dub is shit! It offends my ears!

Ok, so, I assume that by this big picture of a marijuana plant, you must be thinking that I'm going to talk about weed and smoking it...well, that's only a half truth. I want to talk about something else, something a bit more specific. Dub. Dub is what happens when people don't want to start calling it "reggae" anymore, and make it sound "cool" or whatever by calling it something else - "Dub"!.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I pirate games!

Alright, so this might not make a lot of sense to people as to why I do it, but let me tell you a little bit of a back story OK? When I was a young child, I lived with a man who was so stingy, that if I wanted a juice box for my grade 1, elementary school lunch, then he would go to the nearest convenient store, pick up a no-name brand can of frozen juice for 30 cents, tell me to make it myself and put it in a cup so I can take it to school! Ok? That's how stingy my pappy was! Juinor juice? McCain? I didn't even know what this shit was, unless if I begged my mother on my knees, just so I could experience the joy of what it felt like to hold a cold thing of apple juice in my hands...but it doesn't end there!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Real animals eat real food!

So what the fuck do we have here? What is this a fucking picture of? Mice? Dead mice? Kinda mixture of both if you ask me. They're actually frozen mice! Now, why, would someone do such a "cruel" thing? Freeze mice and ziplock them in an air-tight plastic bag? Now, for one, I'd like to say that this isn't even cruel, no, this is considered to be the "humane" way to feed an animal, like snakes, lizards, and other kinds of reptiles.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Something that I've mused on

Don't you ever find it strange sometimes how people will tell you things and you believe it? I know I have. There have been plenty of times where I would be told something whimsical, or something fantastic, as if it were a new idiom, and I believed them right away. As I grew older I begun to question everything. Only because have I experienced things to contradict with what those same people have told me. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Super Street Fighter 4 - The Negative Aspect

What the fuck do we have here? A new game? A new fighter? No! It's just Super Street Fighter 4, with more characters! Yay! But seriously, I'm not going to go on for a couple of paragraphs describing what I like about this shit, but I'm going to talk about what I don't like about this game. It's too often do I get an opportunity to talk about a game, where my thoughts on it are more negative than positive...it always is. There's never been a perfect game; never been a game where I can ultimately decide that there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. So let me delve into the aspects of this game which really make my teeth itch ok?

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sex - Keep it in the bedroom!

Why is this the social norm in our society now? Why is it that you can't go a fucking day without some random person talking about, or hinting towards something sexual? The answer to this question is honestly a mystery to me, and I have no i-fucking-dea how and why this came to be.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Leashes - For animals, or for humans?

I can't get enough anymore of seeing parents having their child on a fucking leash! It's so sick, disgusting, degrading, and the reasons behind their motives are just baseless conjectures from sick-minded people! Just listen to my reasoning behind all of this.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Short-short stories #1 - let's see how well I can write

A man. He goes by the name Bob Stewart; gray hair, brown eyes, white skin, though it's a bit flaky. He likes to go out sometimes, in the bad part of town, to buy his usual carton of Malboro.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Fuck'd up e-mails #1

Alright, so, I've been getting many, many weird e-mails from some unknown sender and they're pretty fucked up. There's always, somewhere in the e-mail, something that has to do with sex in some way, but I swear, I have NOT or EVER signed up to any porn site, or newsletter of any kind...at least with my current e-mail address. To understand these e-mails is to read them. Seriously, though, they're really funny, random, though sometimes can be a bit creepy and they NEVER make any sense AT ALL. So just sit back, relax, and enjoy these:

Fuck'd up e-mails ;)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Synopsis Quest - RPG Clichés

Game kicks ass! I've beaten all 30 quests! Can you?

It takes most RPG Clichés and puts it in a Wario-ware-esque type of game. It's really fun! Plus, there's no screamers! Yay!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Rapelay - CNN, an angry letter, and my thoughts


I just got done reading all of this story over at Kotaku.com (my main source of everything video game news), and I had a couple of thoughts about everything, from the CNN report, to the manga author's angry letter in protest of CNN's report of the game.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Work - It Sucks

Have I ever told you that I hate work? Actually, whom haven't you heard that from? I know, you know, everyone knows, that nobody likes work...unless if it's getting paid for getting paid, then I guess everyone would like that line of work, but unfortunately, there's no such kind of work like that...yet.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Telus - Overpriced Fucks!

Right now, I have to go out on a limb and say that Telus is definitely the worst telephone, TV cable, and internet company I've ever seen or heard of!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Native Americans - My Experiences

Now, I have to put a big disclaimer before I begin to start bitching about what I've seen around my neighborhood, but it has to be said! None of what I say actually reflect how I think about Native Americans as a whole. I think that some of them can be really friendly, fun to be with, and nice to have around. Even one of my good friends is Native. But just all the shit that I've seen has accumulated my rage over the past couple of years.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Zune - Gargantuan Piece of Shit!

Look at this thing! Just, look at it! It looks like a piece of shit doesn't it? As a matter of fact, it looks like a black piece of shit, with a big round button on it! You know how I can tell that it's a piece of shit? Because, just by looking at it, you can just tell! It's one of those things that some people like to call "instinct", I'd like to say that I'm not for one with these supernatural things, but let me tell you that I have a great "instinct" that tells me that this Zune, is a gargantuan piece of shit!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Source a.k.a. Radio Shack - Stoners Central

Wow, just wow. I have never seen so many stoned people in the same place at once before in my life, until I came to a store that replaced Radio Shack, called, "The Source".

Friday, March 19, 2010

DSi XL - Good Idea?

God, her voice sounds like shit!

Tiger Woods - The Wild Years

So I've begun to notice a trend going on here...a really big trend. The media, the paparazzi, are always out to find the worst in people. They're not there to find a "big scoop", you know what a "big scoop" is to them? Finding the most debilitating way to decimate peoples' lives!

Monday, March 15, 2010

PaRappa the Rapper 2 - LongPlay

blip.tv - Hypocritical Bastards!

What the Jesus?! So I got kicked off of this video-hosting site, called "blip.tv", where I was hoping to have my videos hosted, because, you know, Youtube can only allow a maximum of 10 min. videos at a time, unless if your account was a "director's" account before the year 2006!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sands of Destruction - A review (the one that never got accepted to GameFaq's) [what? did I just fart?]

So here I have a copy of Sands of Destruction for the DS. I've heard all the rave from watching youtube videos, and many people talking about it on forums. It looked promising, and from what I've seen, I've had this itch to wanting to play this game. Finally, I get myself my hands on it, and await to embrace the beauty that this game is thought to be...well, let's just say my expectations hit rock bottom. I'll leave the best part of the review for last.

Drummania XG

Valkyria Chronicles - Seriously, What the fuck?

Like I said, seriously, what the fuck?

Brain scans can predict which memory you're thinking about!

Holy shit! Apparently, there are scientists who can show you a film, and can predict which part of the film you're thinking about! Sheeit!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Maalox - This shit tastes like shit!

Jesus Christ! When you get an upset stomach, or bloating, or gas, you should trust to take this shit, because damn, it works! What it doesn't tell you, is that if you are having gas problems, it'll just give you more gas! Of course, that's the whole point of it, to get rid of all the gas in your body.

Pants - Gotta love 'em

God damn! Gotta love these random websites you come across on the web

Bayonetta: First Impressions

Can I even do a review for a game that I haven't played fully? Because I refuse to play the entirety of this shit game!

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